upcoming performances
Starting next Thursday ( October 28th 2010), I will be performing at CUNNINGHAM'S @ 120 and Blondo Here is omaha.
from 8:30 pm til 11:30 pm
That will be a weekly performance for awhile.
Starting next Saturday,(October 30th 2010 ) I will be performing at the Nebraska Brewing Co.( In the Shadow Lake Town Center @ S.72nd and Hwy 370. ) Here in Omaha
From 8:30 pm til 10:30pm
That will also be a weekly performance
To all of you who like My Fathers music or mine.
If you don't have my CD or my Fathers ( atleast one ) please contact me at
Also I have the Hub City Music makers book Which Gives a history of my home town music includins Pink Anderson ,Peg Leg Sam , The Marshall Tucker Band. And several othergreat performers who came from my home town Spartanburg S.C.
Most of the proceeds from the Hub City book will go toward saving the house my father died in. For those of you who don't know Pink is the Pink in Pink Floyd. If anyone has contact info for the group Pink Floyd Please refer them to this site or give the the contact info. I could use some help saving the house and time is running out.. Also I can be contacted through Music Maker relief foundation. A orginazation that strivies to keep the Blues alive and has been very helpful to me when I really needed the help. to contact me there .Go to
all email : attn:Tim or Amy